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Care2 is the world's largest social network for good, a community of over 40 million people standing together, starting petitions and sharing stories that inspire action.

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Care2 gives you the tools to make the impossible possible.

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lion poachinggun violenceinequalityelephantsLGBTQ rightsrape culturepitbull banshomelessnesstrophy huntingeducationdiscriminationfood wastepolluted watersexual assaultanimal abusetampon taxorcas in captivitynet neutralityanimal testingtrophy huntingcat declawingsexist dress codesgreyhound racinganimal testingpuppy millsshark finningfur in fashioncaptive animalspolice brutalitylost dogsprison complexcircuses.
We Care2.

63,142,184 Care2 Members

1,277,143,410 Petition Signatures

465,027 Petitions Created

2,750 Nonprofit Partners

Care2 Petitions in the News

Meet Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

Climate Activist, Hip-Hop Artist & Leader of Earth Guardians

"Through Care2, I’ve been able to build a movement of people who are energized and committed to defending our planet."

Meet Whitney Clapper

Global Brand + Enviro Marketing Manager, Patagonia

"Care2 helped us drive over 94,000 signatures on our petition to defend the Arctic. The staff mobilized supporters, creating impact that resonates."

Meet Ani DiFranco

Activist & Artist

"Care2 provides tools for people to become change-makers, to go from caring about something in this world to doing something about it. Care2 helps me spread the message to my fans that we actually do have the power to shape society. There are paths and we can lead each other down them."

Meet Dane Grams

Membership Director, Human Rights Campaign

"Care2 was able to provide us with the perfect platform to be able to communicate our message and to engage new voices in our support."

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