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class="text-style-muted text-break-3" title="Children excelled top ranks in island or district don't need special teachers. But ordinary children should be guided by best teachers to enter the university as well as to pass the exam" >Children excelled top ranks in island or district don't need special teachers. But ordinary children should be guided by best teachers to enter the university as well as to pass the exam


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value=1>Ksiri Withanage
value=2>Amith Pussella
value=3>Tissa Jananayaka
value=5>Chandika Jayamaha
value=6>Amila Dassanayake
value=7>Anuradha Perera
value=8>Dinesh Athukorala
value=9>Harsha Mahamalage
value=10>Yasith Ariyawansha
value=11>Amila C. Suraweera
value=12>chathushka susage
value=13>Nuwan Dissanayake
value=15>Dinuka Ududwara
value=16>Sanjeewa Rajapaksha
value=17>Ranjan Wickramasekara
value=18>Namal Gunarathna
value=19>Sanjaya Dayarathne
value=20>Aruna Ranasinghe
value=21>Wirajana Jeewantha
value=22>Dhanushka Bogoda

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INDEEPA LMS is a Advance Education Platform, including Courses & Tutorials, Video Lessons, Student and Teacher Dashboard, Curriculum Management.

Learn More

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Why Indeepa?

class="margin-top margin-small text-style-muted">In Gampaha city, there were not even basic facilities for classes until around 2005, and first the Indeepa Institute was started on Minuwangoda Road with the necessary basic facilities. Later in the year 2014, the institute was expanded to JA Ela Road, with air-conditioned halls and the same facilities were created and at the same time at the halls on Minuwangoda Road. Due to this, the students can study with comfort in our institutes.

Our belief is that the first thing is education. For this reason, we have no intention of providing more physical facilities to the children and putting education in the second or third place and we do not approve students come to our institute other than studying.

  • Online Zoom Classes

    Live Zoom classes provide a dynamic and interactive virtual learning experience, offering students the flexibility to engage in education from any location with an internet connection. Through real-time video conferencing, students can interact with instructors and classmates, participate in discussions, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback. Zoom classes enable collaboration, engagement, and knowledge-sharing in a virtual setting, fostering a sense of connection and community despite physical distance. With features like screen sharing, chat functionalities, and breakout rooms, live Zoom classes enhance the online learning experience, making education accessible and engaging for learners of all backgrounds.

  • Physical Classes

    Physical classes offer a traditional and interactive approach to learning, providing students with in-person instruction, hands-on experience, and real-time engagement with instructors and peers. By participating in physical classes, students benefit from a structured learning environment, immediate feedback, and opportunities for social interaction and collaboration. These classes foster a sense of community, accountability, and motivation, nurturing a well-rounded educational experience that caters to diverse learning styles and preferences.

  • Recorded Classes

    Recorded classes offer students the flexibility to access educational content at their own pace and convenience. Through pre-recorded lectures, tutorials, and demonstrations, students can revisit materials, review challenging concepts, and personalize their learning experience to suit their individual preferences and schedules. Recorded classes provide the freedom to pause, rewind, and replay content, allowing for self-directed learning and comprehensive understanding of course material. With the ability to study anytime, anywhere, recorded classes empower students to learn in a way that best suits their learning style, ensuring a flexible and accommodating educational journey.

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class="testimonial-title">What Our Students Say About Us.

class="testimonial-text"> "I attended in 1996 and K.Siri Sir is the best teacher who met me for Chemistry. I really like Chemistry and I performed well because of this class. Sir given us both studies as well as discipline which valuable for our life. When I was struggling to find University he also recommend Peradeinya for me. I really appreciated his attitude and rea...

class="text-weight-bold text-size-regular">Gayan Indima Senarathna

1996 A/L

class="testimonial-text"> "Mr. K.Siri Withanage was one of the best teachers I ever met. unlike other tutors, he teaches not only about chemistry but also teaches how to use time, to be disciplined and most importantly he teaches art of living. He is a great Mentor and open minded person..."

class="text-weight-bold text-size-regular">Senal Fernando

2015 A/L Batch

class="testimonial-text"> " He is one of the best teachers who decorated my whole life.. I could become an Electrical Engineer because of his valuable guidance. I did the A/L in 2007 in maths stream and I attended his kandy class in IMS. "

class="text-weight-bold text-size-regular">Aravinda Dissanayke

2007 A/L - Kandy

class="testimonial-text"> " K. Siri sir, i am from 2009 batch/ kandy, i got B for chemistry, because of you sir..then I graduated with chemistry special degree and now i am working in Australia. K siri sir is a extra ordinary human being.. respect you sir "

class="text-weight-bold text-size-regular">Hasitha Wickramasinghe

2009 A/L - Kandy

We are the number 1 institute with best rankings. We helps to grow the future generation to be better and guid throughout the years.

Start your journey with leading lectures in the island


Leading Lecturers


Physical & Online Courses

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